Sabtu, 07 November 2009

Technological Advancement Positive Effect for People

In the globalization era, technology has rapid advancement. It is needed by everyone and can not be separated from their life. Technological advancement gives many positive effects to societies. In this essay, I will explain the technological advancement positive effects in the communication and information sector, transportation sector, and industrial sector.
Technological advancement in communication sector marked by the creation of many sophisticated communication tools, and it more sophisticated time by time. With the tools, we can communicate to other person easily. Formerly, if people wanted to communicate to their family or their relationships, they sent message or letter. And if the distance was long, it needed a long time, too. After the modern technology appeared, they communicated with their relationships in far place by using telephone, and for sending messages they use wire. The time required could be reduced. And now, the cell phone that provides many features and advantages to us was created. By the cell phone, we can communicate easily to other person anytime and anywhere we are. In addition, we can send message in the short time, even less than 2 minutes (if no service problems).
In the information sector, there is a computer that has multifunction. A computer can perform many tasks such as storing, organizing, and managing large amount of data. The internet that seeded from the computer networking concepts is the most effective communication platform and the largest information base existing today. Besides, the internet has brought a positive change to the advertising. Advertisement can reach the masses within seconds over the internet.
In the transportation sector, technological advancement makes many vehicles created for traveling to the other places. Previously, if people wanted to go to somewhere, they use animals as land transportation media. As we know, the animals can not walk very fast like modern vehicles, so if their destination place was so far, they needed a lot of time to reach there. Now, people produce motorcycles, cars, trains, and the other vehicles that the speed are faster than animals for making our travel easier. For water transportations, if people used canoes and rafts were small in size in the old days, now people can travel with the ships that safer, bigger, and faster than traditional canoes or rafts. Besides, there are planes that have more speed for air transportation. So, with the advancement of technology in transportation, we can go anywhere easily.
In industrial sector, technology has automated many of the critical processes in the industry as well the household. The electronic gadgets that have entered the homes of the common people have save them from the daily household work. Machines have automated many of the crucial industrial processes. Machines are now taking up many of the mundane jobs that were once executed by human workers. Technology has evolved to an extent where machines can perform tasks that are physically inaccessible to man. The use of technologies like robotics and artificial intelligence has proved helpful in life-risking tasks like mining and space exploration.
So, the technological advancement gives many positive effects or advantages for us. It makes our living more comfortable. It has brought luxury in the life of common people. It also brought distant places closer and simplified communication and information access. Besides, the technology has saved the human effort and time to a large extend.

1 komentar:

qonamii mengatakan...

Nurrahmi fitri_5109100706_kelas 10

firstly,That the format is correct. then i have found the thesis statements in first peragraph “Technological advancement gives many positive effects to societies”.
The thesis statement has well elaborate with body paragraph,for example “if people wanted to communicate to their family or their relationships, they sent message or letter”.this is the positif effect the technological advancement for soecities.
The essay also close with the conclusion, it can find in sentence “the technological advancement gives many positive effects or advantages for us. It makes our living more comfortable. It has brought luxury in the life of common people".but the conclusion is less. maybe you could give conclusion as spesiffically.
and For this paragraph is very well.

2009 November 17 05:33